
The mayor's adviser noted that the environmental consequences would be dire

The amended directive is expected to be easily adopted

Every year, energy storages become more accessible and popular

Despite the war, Ukraine will not deviate from the European path

The interior of Ukraine suffered the greatest damage

Previous air quality indicators can also be found on the map

The fight against unauthorized landfills continues

The formation of a special body for eco-monitoring under the auspices of international organizations will significantly strengthen Ukraine's position in bringing the aggressor country to justice

By 2030, Ukraine is able to achieve 50% of electricity generation from RES in the energy balance

The EU accounts for approximately 10% of global deforestation

The introduction of the draft decision and its voting directly depends on the mayor of Kyiv Vitaliy Klychko and each deputy of the Kyiv City Council

Tourists want to see an environment without plastic and other garbage, so they prefer cleaner places