
The European Union will allocate €40 million to facilitate the ratification of the treaty and its rapid implementation

Such a meeting is part of the work plan of the eco-committee until July 2023

Installing the maximum number of solar panels is part of preparing for the next heating season

The new document, in particular, proposes to abolish the requirement to publish notices and announcements in the mass media

Thanks to the ecobus, hazardous waste will be processed, stored or disposed of

About 5,000 trees were affected by mistletoe in Kyiv

Pre-registration is required to participate in the promotion

Those guilty of violating the requirements of the strategic environmental assessment bear personal responsibility

The law on critical raw materials will be of particular importance

The European Commission gave Ukraine the lowest score in the cluster of environmental protection, which was positioned as having achieved "significant progress"

Ukraine's participation in the Seville process will help to form a high-quality policy in the field of industrial pollution

A QR code was placed on the containers, through which you can inform the public utilities about the abandoned cylinders