"WinIndustry" will create about 700 new jobs
The delay will increase pressure on Ursula von der Leyen's European Commission, as she must have time to implement her green agenda before the end of her mandate.
Ukraine is interested in Lithuania's experience in the development of bioenergy
Such activities are not allowed on the territory of the regional landscape park
The data is updated once a day
Total investment to reduce plastic pollution will reach $65 billion per year
The forum is not a ranking and does not evaluate the significance of achievements
As part of the eco-program, 343,038,393 trees have already been planted
In the message, you can add information about the polluter, for example, a photo of the car with a license plate
In Israel, the demand for hydrogen may reach 5.2 million tons in 2050
Areas of self-seeded forest need urgent rescue
Increased levels of nitrogen dioxide pollution