
In 2024, 7 draft laws introducing extended producer responsibility for various industries should be adopted

In Sumy, 13 out of 43 discovered spontaneous landfills were removed during the year

Only live trees without decorative ornaments are accepted for disposal

The violator faces up to 7 years in prison

The rate of global warming is accelerating due to the increasing energy imbalance of the planet

The financial effect for the city during the operation of the SPP will reach 10 million hryvnias

In Kyiv, the level of PM2.5 dust reached 117

In 2023, the large area of Lake Tyagle was covered with construction debris and a road was laid across it

National programs are planned for the years 2024-2033 to reduce landfilling of bio-waste and prevent waste generation

Hazardous waste can be brought to Waste Management Centers every day

Only 15% of emissions reductions are the result of higher energy efficiency standards or more renewables

Initially, local Telegram channels suggested that the wind turbine had been knocked down by a gust of wind