Five priority areas in the field of environmental safety of Ukraine are named shutterstock

Five priority areas in the field of environmental safety of Ukraine are named

Olena Yatseno

Definitions of priority goals, tasks and detailing of projects are currently being finalized

The working group "Environmental Security" at the National Council for Reconstruction of Ukraine from the effects of the war has identified five priority areas.

This was announced on Monday, June 6, with reference to Minister Ruslan Strelts press service Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources.

"Our ministry has been actively involved in creating a plan for post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. The work on the plan is based on the principle of open dialogue between the government and society. Involvement of all stakeholders allows said Minister of Environment Ruslan Strilets.

In general, the following priority areas in the field of environmental security are provided for the restoration of Ukraine in the war and postwar periods:

1. Reforming public administration in the field of environmental protection.

2. Climate policy: prevention and adaptation to climate change.

3. Environmental safety and effective waste management.

4. Balanced use of natural resources in conditions of high demand and limited opportunities.

5. Conservation of natural ecosystems and biological diversity. Restoration and development of protected areas and facilities.

It will be recalled that in pursuance of the decree of the President of Ukraine of April 21, 2022 № 266/2022 "Issues of the National Council for the Reconstruction of Ukraine" the National Council for the Reconstruction of Ukraine from the effects of war was established. The National Council is an advisory body to the President.

23 sectoral working groups have been set up to implement the tasks of the National Council.

The Working Group "Environmental Security" was established to develop proposals for the Recovery Plan of Ukraine on environmental security, conservation, biological and landscape diversity, reproduction and sustainable use of natural resources, formation and implementation of effective climate policy, waste management system, environmental monitoring, digital transformation, environmental reform, implementation of European directives.

The coordinators of the working group "Environmental Security" are the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine Ruslan Strelets, Chairman of the Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management of the Verkhovna Rada Oleh Bondarenko and Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Rostyslav Shurma. Organizational and analytical work is provided by the Secretary of the Working Group - Adviser to the Minister Tetyana Tymochko.

The working group "Environmental Security" includes more than 200 participants - experts, leading scientists in the field of environmental protection, government officials, international technical assistance projects, civil society organizations and businesses.

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