Energy workers destroyed trees symbolic of the city in the Rivne region

Energy workers destroyed trees symbolic of the city in the Rivne region

Katerina Belousova

Energy workers promised to give the community a few saplings of hawthorn trees in the spring

In Rivne region, in the town of Zdolbuniv, employees of Rivneoblenergo destroyed several hawthorn trees while crowning trees in the area of ​​the power transmission line.

This caused strong indignation of local residents, because only the trunks remained of the trees, after all, the trees that were the "business card" of the city, the Zdolbuniv City Council reports on Facebook.

It is noted that trees were destroyed on Vasyl Zhuk and Hrushevsky streets.

In the message, it was emphasized that the community was warned about the work in advance. However, people did not know about their nature, because the cutting of branches and trees in the protection zone of the power transmission line does not require approval and permission documents.

The press service emphasized that the Zdolbuniv City Council sent a letter of complaint regarding excessive tree cutting to the Zdolbuniv branch of the Rivneoblenergo.

"The claims were recognized as motivated. Therefore, the energy experts promised to give the community a few saplings of hawthorn trees in the spring, which we will plant in designated places," the report said.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in the Kyiv region, activists of the village of Kuchakiv, Boryspil district, want to bring to administrative responsibility those responsible for the destruction of three hundred-year-old white poplars, which utility workers cut the crowns, leaving only trunks.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, two residents of Saran district will be tried in Rivne region for felling 5 trees in the Zalavskyi botanical reserve.

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