In Frankivsk region, ex-officials of the forestry will be judged for cutting down for UAH 100 million shutterstock

In Frankivsk region, ex-officials of the forestry will be judged for cutting down for UAH 100 million

Katerina Belousova

Officials issued permits for logging in the territory of the national park, which has not been part of the forestry for 20 years

IN Ivano-Frankivsk region will judge 5 employees of the state enterprise "Kutsk forestry" for illegal felling of trees in the national natural park "Hutsulshchyna", which, according to preliminary estimates, caused UAH 100 million in losses.

The attackers were informed about the suspicion of cutting down more than 500 trees, which caused 2.7 million hryvnias of damage, investigations are ongoing on other facts, on which new suspicions will be reported State Bureau of Investigation.

The investigation established that the group included 5 employees of the state enterprise "Kutsk forestry":

  • former director;
  • acting director;
  • chief forester;
  • head of the forestry department;
  • forestry engineer.

“For a long time, officials illegally, without permits and approvals, issued documents for logging in the park, which has not been part of the Kutsk Forestry for more than 20 years. Then the wood was sold to the population, and the money was appropriated, ”the press service said.

It is noted that the group members are accused of illegal logging and sale of forests, as well as abuse of official position (parts 2, 3 of article 27, part 3 of article 28, part 2 of article 364, part 4 of article 246 of the Criminal Code Ukraine). The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 7 years.

The message emphasized that all members of the group were dismissed from their positions. Also, to ensure the recovery of damages, the property of the defendants with a total value of UAH 5 million was arrested:

  • 3 houses;
  • 5 land plots;
  • 2 cars.

As EcoPolitics reported earlier, in March detectives of the State Bureau of Investigation exposed an organized criminal group in the Carpathian region consisting of officials of the forestry industry and foresters, who cut down more than 2.2 million trees in the national natural park "Hutsulshchyna" cut down trees for more than 2.2 million UAH.

Another water utility in Ivano-Frankivsk region to receive backup power from SPP
Another water utility in Ivano-Frankivsk region to receive backup power from SPP

Later, solar stations are planned to be installed at other facilities of the enterprise

Trees worth more than 4 million hryvnias destroyed in a nature reserve in the Ivano-Frankivsk region
Trees worth more than 4 million hryvnias destroyed in a nature reserve in the Ivano-Frankivsk region

During the week, eco-inspectors calculated 6.7 million hryvnias in damages