The Ministry of Environment has developed a draft law "On the Principles of State Climate Policy shutterstock

The Ministry of Environment has developed a draft law "On the Principles of State Climate Policy

Katerina Belousova

Comments and suggestions can be sent until March 5

Міністерство захисту довкілля та природних ресурсів розробило законопроект "Про основні засади державної кліматичної політики" та оголосило про початок його обговорення.

Це рамковий документ, який, серед іншого, передбачає виконання міжнародних зобов'язань України та сталий розвиток країни, повідомляє Мінприроди у Facebook.

Зазначається, що законопроєкт також допоможе:

  • to create climate governance architecture;
  • ensure low-carbon development of the country and achieve climate neutrality;
  • adapt to climate change to ensure environmental, food, and energy security of Ukraine.

Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Victoria Kireeva emphasized that the document should create a basis for the national climate policy.

"It provides for the creation of a national inventory system of anthropogenic emissions and absorption by sinks of greenhouse gases, as well as the implementation of a national system for tracking the implementation of policies and measures in the field of climate change," she said.

The message added that the draft law defines:

  • basic principles of state climate policy;
  • peculiarities of formation and achievement of state climate policy goals;
  • principles of ensuring climate planning at the national, regional and local levels;
  • features of reporting in accordance with the requirements of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and data collection of these goals;
  • the main principles of the national system for tracking the implementation of policies, measures and forecasting in the field of climate change.

In the explanatory note to the draft law, it is stated that Ukraine, as a candidate for EU membership, should bring national legislation into compliance with EU norms. This document will bring the climate legislation of Ukraine closer to:

  • EU Regulation 2021/1119 on climate neutrality;
  • EU Regulation 2018/1999 on Energy Union management and climate change mitigation.

Representatives of the public, experts, scientists, representatives of business and authorities and others can send comments and suggestions until March 5 to the address of the Ministry of Environment: str. Metropolitan Vasyl Lypkivskyi, 35; Kyiv, 03035 and email address:

Earlier, EcoPolitic rote, that the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources developed a draft Strategy formation and implementation of state policy in the field of climate change for the period until 2035 and announced its discussion.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strelets said that in 2026 Ukraine will be able to complete the implementation of most European environmental directives and regulations.

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