Residents of Uzhhorod opposed the development of the Radvansky quarry

Residents of Uzhhorod opposed the development of the Radvansky quarry

Katerina Belousova

The land management documentation for the 25-hectare park site has not yet been approved

About 800 residents of Uzhhorod signed an appeal against the development of the Radvanka quarry, where a park is planned to be built in 2020.

Four 0.1-hectare plots of the future park were transferred to private ownership back in 2012 and have already been partially built up, Zakarpattya. The main point reports.

The initiator of the appeal, Oleksandr Rovniak, said that the Radvanka quarry is a popular place for Uzhhorod residents to relax in the summer. Therefore, the townspeople initiated the creation of a park in this area. The appeal was sent to the Uzhhorod City Council, the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration and the Prosecutor's Office and is awaiting a response. The prosecutor's office has already sent an appeal to the police to check the legality of the land transfer.

At the editorial office's request, the city council replied that the land management documentation for the 25-hectare plot, which was planned for a park near the quarry, had not been approved. The city may buy the privately owned plots, but no such intentions have been announced.

"The best result would be that these plots would be recognized as illegally allocated to private property. And they would be returned back to the ownership of the community. This is the essence of our appeal. This is public pressure, all the hope that the structures will see that people really don't like it, that people are against it and it infuriates them and, accordingly, they will look for a way to somehow deal with these areas," Rovniak said.

He called it absurd that in 2012, the majority of deputies voted for the allocation of plots near the water for development. He also expressed hope that the sacred place for Uzhhorod will be saved.

Rovniak added that if it is not possible to return these areas, as a compromise, they can be closed with a strip of trees. This could partially smooth out the appearance that appeared on one of the rocks.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, eco-activists are calling on the Kyiv City Council to create a new nature reserve on the cleanest Lake Vidro with a unique nature in order to protect it from potential development.

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