Kyivans were given the opportunity to insulate their houses with the money of the city council Shutterstock

Kyivans were given the opportunity to insulate their houses with the money of the city council

Katerina Belousova

In 2023, those projects that won in 2022, but were never started due to the war, will also be implemented

In Kyiv, residents of condominiums and condominiums can apply for participation in the competition for energy-efficient projects in residential buildings until the end of February.

As part of the city's "70/30" co-financing program, the city compensates residents for 70% of the cost of the works, KMDA reports on Facebook.

It is noted that within the framework of the program it is possible to conduct:

  • installation, overhaul and reconstruction of heating points;
  • overhaul and insulation of facades;
  • overhaul and thermal insulation of roofs and basement floors;
  • replacing windows and doors with energy-saving ones in common areas;
  • overhaul (reconstruction, modernization) of indoor engineering networks;
  • installation of home heat energy and hot water meters;
  • overhaul (reconstruction, modernization) of electrical lighting systems;
  • reconstruction or re-equipment of power supply, heat supply, hot water supply systems using renewable or alternative energy sources;
  • overhaul (reconstruction, technical re-equipment) of in-house electrical equipment;
  • other energy efficient measures.

In the message, it was emphasized that in order to participate in the competition, it is necessary to submit a complete package of documents, otherwise the application will not be accepted. The package must contain:

  • technical and economic justification of the project;
  • a document confirming the authority of the person to sign the project;
  • documents confirming the availability of one or more types of payment guarantee;
  • an extract from the minutes of the general meeting of co-owners confirming their decision to participate in the competition;
  • project and estimate documentation (working project) and a positive expert report on areas (types of work) that are expected to be carried out within the framework of the project at the expense of the Kyiv budget;
  • copies of the Charter of the condominium/residential condominium.

It is noted that applications will be accepted by appointment (tel: 044 279-81-86) at the address Velika Zhytomyrska, 15-A, room 9 from 08:40 to 11:40 at the Department of Housing and Communal Infrastructure of Kyiv. Applications will be suspended during an air alert.

Petro Panteleev, Deputy Chairman of the KMDA, emphasized that in 2023, those projects that won in 2022, but were never started due to the war, will be implemented.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, signed the Law "On creating conditions for the introduction of complex thermal modernization of buildings" (draft law No. 6485). The law, among other things, creates conditions for the Energy Efficiency Fund to implement a program to restore residential buildings damaged as a result of military operations.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, in Kyiv, a high-rise building in the Obolonskyi district was included in the TOP-10 best energy-efficient buildings in Europe.

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