Environmental Committee's plans for February-August 2025: what the deputies will work on Shutterstock

Environmental Committee's plans for February-August 2025: what the deputies will work on

Hanna Velyka

The long-suffering law on state environmental control is expected to be adopted in the second reading

The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management plans to consider 52 bills for which the committee has been designated as the lead committee and 30 bills to which proposals are to be submitted.

The MPs' work plan on the environment is publicly available on the website of the Environmental Committee.

Section I contains a list of draft legislative acts that MPs must prepare for parliamentary consideration and for which the committee is the lead committee. These include:

  1. Draft Law No. 3091 "On State Environmental Control" (amended, second reading). This document is also planned to be discussed at field meetings of the committee. Its finalization after the first reading continues from 2021.
  2. Draft Law No. 4461 "On the territories of the Emerald Network" (revised).
  3. Draft Law No. 5342 "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and the Fulfillment of International Obligations for the Protection of Wild Animals."
  4. Draft Law No. 5379 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Promotion of the Development of Territories Affected by Radioactive Pollution as a Result of the Chernobyl Disaster".
  5. Draft Law No. 5408 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts on Improving the Mechanism for Environmental Impact Assessment in Forestry."
  6. Draft Law No. 5602 "On Amendments to the National Program for Decommissioning the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and Transforming the "Shelter" Facility into an Environmentally Safe System."
  7. Draft Law of Ukraine No. 6018, No. 6018-1, No. 6018-2 "On Environmental Insurance".
  8. Draft Law No. 10066, No. 10066-1, No. 10066-2 "On Packaging and Packaging Waste".
  9. Draft Law No. 11318 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Improvement of Forest Relations".
  10. Draft Law No. 11489 "On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Clarifying the Issue of Determining the Boundaries of Coastal Protective Strips in the Case of Their Absence."
  11. Draft Law No. 11534 "On Climate Safety".
  12. Draft Law No. 12356 "On the National Targeted Environmental Program for the Management of Radioactive Waste".

Lawmakers will also work on a number of draft laws related to hunting and cruelty to animals, protection of flora and fauna, the Chernobyl exclusion zone, and subsoil.

IN Chapter IIthe draft laws that the ecocommittee should consider and submit their proposals are listed. In particular, these are the following documents:

  1. Draft Law No. 11309 "On Amendments to Article 91 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses Regarding Strengthening Administrative Responsibility for Violation of the Rules of Protection and Use of Territories and Objects of the Nature Reserve Fund."
  2. Draft Law No. 11486 "On the Protection of Water from Pollution Caused by Nitrates from Agricultural Sources".
  3. Draft Law No. 12058 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Regarding Restoration of Degraded Lands, Stimulation of the Cultivation of Energy Plants and Production of Alternative Biofuel."
  4. Draft Law No. 12145 "On Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and Article 241 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine on Improvement of Liability for Violation of Air Protection Requirements."
  5. Draft Law No. 12386 "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Improving the Functioning of Industrial Parks and Introducing the Eco-Industrial Park Model in Ukraine."

We will remind that the adoption of the law on the reform of the State Environmental Inspection The European Commission was waiting from Ukraine as early as 2024. AND The Ministry of Environment declared DEI reform as one of the department's priorities for the past year. In July 2024, the corresponding draft law No. 3091 on the reform, which has been in progress for 7 years, presented EU representatives.

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