The bottom of the Kakhovsky Reservoir is planned to be sown with grain

The bottom of the Kakhovsky Reservoir is planned to be sown with grain

Katerina Belousova

A new ecosystem began to revive on the drained bottom

The Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Ruslan Strilets, said that in order to preserve the territory of the Kakhovsky Reservoir, its bottom should be sown with annual plants.

On the broadcast of the "Yedini Novyni" marathon, he said that the bottom of the drained reservoir should be sown with annual agricultural plants, in particular to reduce dust storms and climate risks, the Ministry of Environment reports on Facebook.

Strilets emphasized that 200,000 hectares of seabed need to be restored. For this, the scientific and expert council of the Ministry of Environment proposes to plant more than 3,000 tons of agricultural crop seeds. However, the harvest will not be edible.

He noted that the planting of plants should take place taking into account safety measures, because the reservoir is located near the front line.

"On the drained territory of the reservoir, certain successional processes have already begun [the replacement of one ecosystem by another]. The coast of the Kamianska Sich National Park is gradually covered with small sprouts of plants. It is quite difficult to identify them at the moment," Strilets emphasized.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that at the beginning of July at the bottom of the Kakhovsky Reservoir the first sprouts of plants, which are still too small to identify them, appeared.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Strilets stated that it will take at least 10 years to restore ecosystems after undermining of Kakhovskaya HPP. 

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