As a result of the fire, rare species of plants and animals die, and combustion products pollute the atmosphere
"Nova Energy" will generate energy on a regular basis
The area of burned areas is twice the area of Luxembourg
Bird migration is quite intense
Tires can be left from April 10 to April 30 inclusive
Climatologists call for an urgent reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases into the air
It is an animal from the canine family, a representative of the wolf family
Satellite images showed that a large part of the Kakhov reservoir is covered with water
NOAA announces 2023 carbon dioxide emissions rise to third highest in 65 years of record keeping
Due to the decrease in population, moose were included in the Red Book of Ukraine
Releasing the animals into the wild is part of an ecosystem restoration program
Every year, due to poor sorting, Aachen loses up to half a million euros