On the online map, working containers are marked in red, and damaged ones are marked in yellow
The prosecutor's office is also working on collecting money from the violators for cutting down trees
The city's environmental program, among other things, provides for reclamation of disturbed lands, processing and disposal of industrial waste
Tens of kilometers of dry shores of the Kakhov reservoir can already be seen
Against the background of the "toxic legacy" of the war, the fight against industrial pollution and the eco-modernization of enterprises are extremely important for Ukraine
No excesses were found on Nauka Avenue
Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko may be involved in a corruption scheme
Part of ecosystems is lost forever
Personnel decisions will be made on the basis of the collected materials
More than 1 billion hryvnias were spent on the development of the Sakhalin oil and gas field
Police officers work together with juvenile prevention workers
Even one battery can cause great damage to nature