For the week from March 3 to March 9 in Ukraine, violators of the requirements of environmental legislation caused damage for 13 million hryvnias
Perpetrators face up to 7 years in prison
This is an international experiment that will improve the rules for scientific and recreational whale watching in the Antarctic
Scientists believe that there is no safe level of air pollution
Temperatures in Switzerland are rising twice as fast as the global average
Eco-activists have already removed 90 tons of garbage from the river in 2021
Since the beginning of hostilities in the region, 10,856 residential buildings have been damaged
The largest number of roads will be built in the Carpathians and Polesie
These lands were added to the authorized capital of a legal entity related to the people's deputy
Uncontrolled amber mining destroys forests and entire ecosystems
Warming threatens agriculture and wildlife
The grant will help develop scenarios for the city's transition to climate neutrality by 2050