Trees were destroyed under the guise of sanitary measures
The national park is almost completely mined and heavily contaminated with explosive devices
The pre-trial investigation is ongoing
The industrial park will allow the city to create up to 1,500 jobs and increase investment by 1.5%
The project was started 4 years ago
It is in the leaves that organic substances are produced, which feed the entire tree
Due to flooding, household garbage, hazardous waste, the contents of cesspools, etc. can get into water bodies.
Specialists of the observatory took and analyzed 1,452 air samples
The rocket attack completely destroyed the office and warehouse complex and 60 trucks
The UK has also reduced its carbon emissions by 2.4% in 2022
Damage calculations are carried out to further calculate the amount of damage caused to the surrounding natural environment
The Ecopark was under enemy fire from the first days of the full-scale invasion