
Other pollutants were within normal limits

The situation with water supply at TOT is only getting worse

Despite the increase in the number of open and investigated cases related to illegal cutting of trees, the number of serious sentences remains insignificant

The city plans to make a profit from it

The mirror area of this water body is more than 36 hectares

They have been charged under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

Compensation in the amount of UAH 200,000 will be collected from another community in Ternopil region

For almost a year and a half, they destroyed protective plantations on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia district

This can negatively affect people's well-being

The water in the coastal zone warmed up to 33°C

The main forest management enterprise of the country was included in the column of the people's elected official with the hashtag #дівнизакупівли

Firefighters were notified of the fire today at 08:22