
Activists claim that entrepreneurs have misled local residents

After renovation, the house became beautiful, warm, comfortable, and its residents forgot about the cold and mold in the apartments

Compared to last month, water quality in 5 rivers has improved, and in 4 it has worsened.

This figure is constantly growing

Forest industry officials are suspected of official negligence and forgery of documents

They claim that officials of one of the ministries and the directorate of the military memorial cemetery are involved in it

Economic growth and waste generation remain closely linked

Specialists assure that this situation is typical for the autumn period

The smog caused by the burning of peat bogs has increased the level of air pollution to a level that is dangerous for health

They face up to 10 years behind bars

Its dynamics can be monitored in real time on the "EkoZagroza" website

They "paid tribute" to the local garbage company