
Officials were detained while receiving a "tranche" of 1.4 million hryvnias

In the case of an attempt to bribe the heads of anti-corruption agencies, all received suspended terms

Entrepreneurs will conduct an inventory of emissions without drawing up a report

European experience has shown that packaging waste requires separate regulation

In countries with a high environmental tax, there are more prerequisites for waste processing

Ukraine can join the EU ETS in 12 years, but it is necessary to start now

293 million hryvnias are planned to be spent on preserving and reproducing forests and nature reserves

The Ecocommittee postponed consideration of draft law No. 9484 "On scrap metal"

The draft law provides for the creation of a system for the collection and recycling of packaging waste

The size of the environmental tax for CO2 emissions remained unchanged – UAH 30 per ton

People's deputies will consider draft law No. 9484 "On scrap metal"

This will reduce the volume of disposal at landfills and contribute to the transition to a circular economy