
This will become another element of the European-oriented national chemical safety system that our country is building

They criticized the directorate of this object of the nature reserve fund and appealed to the Ministry of Environment in this regard

His fellow villagers supported him

If the device is of low power, taxes will still have to be paid

Experts are sure that without a sub-legislative legal framework and specialists who will be able to ensure the implementation of the reform, the law on industrial pollution is a stillborn chick

The first meeting is already on August 20

They can put an end to the implementation of European integration law No. 11355

It is planned to attract more than half of the funding for the implementation of the relevant program from international donors

This applies, in particular, to power generator equipment, batteries, and equipment for solar generation

Most hazardous waste processing enterprises have lost their licenses

Their value is almost UAH 270 million

The approved document will become an important element of the new national chemical production management system built according to European standards