Global green
In 2024, the global growth of electric vehicle sales is expected to reach 25-30%
Each year, 176,000 metric tons of plastic pellets enter the environment
By 2028, RES is expected to generate 42% of the world's energy
The production of one ton of green steel requires 3.6 MWh of electricity
Due to supply chain issues, large-scale projects can be delayed by up to 6 months
Cutting has been suspended for 1.5% of state forests
The rate of global warming is accelerating due to the increasing energy imbalance of the planet
Only 15% of emissions reductions are the result of higher energy efficiency standards or more renewables
In the US, 40% of all food is wasted
Previously, fishermen did not have a suitable place where they could bring their old tackle
278% more people died from forest fires than in 2022, and 340% more from storms
Over the past 30 years, the size of the flower has decreased by 10%, and the amount of nectar by 20%