A large-scale eco-modernization will be carried out at the Kyiv-based Energia plant shutterstock

A large-scale eco-modernization will be carried out at the Kyiv-based Energia plant

Elizaveta Volkotrub

The plant not only processes household waste accumulated in the capital, but also produces thermal energy

The Energia waste incineration plant in Kyiv is to carry out a large-scale modernization of the flue gas chemical treatment system. This year, the works aimed at improving the environmental safety of two boiler units should be completed.

This was reported by the press service of the Kyiv City State Administration.

"Even before the full-scale war, we started the modernization of the waste incineration plant "Energia" – the installation of a modern system that allows cleaning emissions. Despite the martial law, these works in the capital continued. This year we plan to perform quite complex technical works: two boiler units will be equipped with modern ecological standards. After all, European norms regarding the work of such enterprises are quite strict, and we have ambitious plans to meet these requirements," said Petro Panteleev, deputy head of the KMDA.

According to Panteleev, the plant not only processes household waste accumulated in the capital, but also produces thermal energy. During the burning of waste, the heat turns into hot water for residents of the Poznyaki microdistrict.

It is noted that as part of the project, bag filters for two launch complexes were installed at the plant, reactors, adsorbers, cooling towers and other necessary equipment were installed. Also, during the preparation for winter at "Energia" it is planned to carry out a complex of current repairs of three boiler units, a smoke pipe, a bunker for solid domestic waste, cranes and a slag department.

"Kyiv is moving in the direction of bringing the level of harmful emissions in line with European environmental norms and standards. This is defined in the Directive of the European Union on industrial pollution," the press service reports.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, an innovative site for the processing of construction waste was opened in the city of Bucha in the Kyiv region, which is designed for the recovery and disposal of materials accumulated as a result of destruction during the war.

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