In the Frankivsk region, due to global warming, the temperature increased by 1.6°C

In the Frankivsk region, due to global warming, the temperature increased by 1.6°C

Katerina Belousova

Summer has become much warmer, and the cold period of winter has decreased

In the Ivano-Frankivsk region, the average air temperature has risen by 1.6°C over the past 30 years, with the hottest months being July and August.

This was discussed during the discussion of the interim results of climate change research in the region, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources reports on Facebook.

It is noted that the Ministry of Natural Resources, together with climatologists and experts from the EU APENA 3 project, as part of the implementation of the Strategy for Environmental Security and Adaptation to Climate Change for the period up to 2030, studied:

  • the amount of precipitation;
  • temperature change and the influence of weather conditions;
  • which sectors of the economy should already be preparing for change.

“Currently, the issue of climate change is one of the main ones on the world agenda. In Ukraine, it is also gaining more weight. After all, post-war recovery and a green transition of the economy in the state are impossible without taking into account the climate component,” said Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection Viktoriya Kireyeva.

She explained that in order to assess the vulnerability to climate change of economic sectors and develop adaptation measures, the Ministry of Natural Resources, together with APENA 3, is working on climate strategies for three pilot regions – Mykolaiv, Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk.

"In the future, these studies will become the basis not only for the development of regional climate strategies, but also for the development of a green economy," Kireeva explained.

The study showed that the summer has become much warmer, and the cold period of winter has decreased. Snowfall replaces downpours, which negatively affects the mountainous terrain of the region.

Recall that in Ivano-Frankivsk, the construction company Blago Development announced the launch of a new residential complex with vertical gardening. This is one of the measures to adapt cities to climate change.

As EcoPolitics reported earlier, three new temperature records were recorded in Kyiv on Sunday and Monday, August 27-28.

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