Valentina Bokii
I graduated from the Institute of Journalism of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. I have a bachelor's degree in journalism and a master's degree in media communications. I defended her dissertation on "Compliance with SEO recommendations by the Ukrainian media."
I began my journalistic career on the website of the Espresso TV channel in 2015. The work was dominated by topics of economics, politics and ecology.
In 2017, together with a team of like-minded people, I launched a new media – Realist.online. During work I took a training course on the basics of SEO.
In 2018 I joined the team of the Internet information resource Obozrevatel. In 2019, I launched a media project in the field of green energy – Green Oboz.
Later I became interested in environmental protection, plastic control and climate change. The idea was to create a full-fledged media that will specialize in environmental issues. For about six months I worked on the concept of the new edition, design and preparation for launch.
I headed the EcoPolitica media platform in January 2021. The purpose of the site is to become the main resource of the country in the field of environmental policy.

The interview received a flurry of criticism online

The importer of the goods subject to CBAM, upon its import into the EU, must pay for CO2 emissions by purchasing certificates