War — latest ecology news
The devastating impact of Russia's aggression is felt throughout Europe and around the world
The G7 members agreed to accelerate the phase-out of fossil fuels
This destroys the ecology of the Sea of Azov
Zubovych's merits could be leveled by the biased attitude of some members of the eco-committee
Kosa has been fully occupied since June 2022
Since the beginning of the occupation, Russian enterprises have organized logging in a number of areas
The territory of the nature reserve fund was damaged
The national park is almost completely mined and heavily contaminated with explosive devices
It is planned not only to restore the zone after the occupations, but also to improve it and create a scientific hub
Many eco-activists came to the defense of Ukraine and joined humanitarian activities
The rocket attack completely destroyed the office and warehouse complex and 60 trucks
Damage calculations are carried out to further calculate the amount of damage caused to the surrounding natural environment