USA — latest ecology news

According to People's Deputy Olena Kryvoruchkina, their total funding will amount to $30 million

Their volume is now 50% larger than in 1999

A number of radical changes are expected compared to the policies of the Joseph Biden administration

During his previous tenure, he received constant criticism from environmental activists accusing him of deepening the climate crisis.

Who occupies the White House will determine the role of the United States as the biggest polluter of the environment at this crucial time for the climate crisis

It was caused mainly by countries with developing economies

Activists hope she will continue to pursue a tough policy on the fossil fuel industry

This is not the first such legislative initiative

He did it for the first time in November 2020

The increase compared to the previous year was 582 million tons

China immediately vowed to take retaliatory measures

More than every fifth car sold in the world will be electric