The Verkhovna Rada — latest ecology news

Now the bill is to be considered in the parliament hall

There is a sign that there will be no significant changes in the field of waste management

According to media reports, demand for electric cars increased in Ukraine during martial law

The document provides for the creation of new and improvement of existing mechanisms to ensure the energy efficiency of buildings

People's deputies will consider two bills and two letters from people's deputies

The bill initially regulates the sphere of corruption and implements 3 European directives

PETR will help Ukraine meet its international obligations

Kryvoruchkina will demand from the Minister a report to the committee on the effectiveness of the simultaneous replacement of such a large number of government officials

Despite the complete ban in many countries, in Ukraine it is still used in the production of building materials, especially slate

317 people's deputies voted for this

Calls for the elimination of the SEI are populism and political PR

The planned modernization of the SEI under Bill 913091 has not been carried out