Rivers — latest ecology news

Some Ukrainians criticized the initiative for its irrelevance in the realities of war and corruption risks

The prosecutor's office opened a case

In Yuzhny Buz, the content of ammonium nitrogen exceeded 30 times

The causes of the accident are being established

An 8-fold increase in biochemical oxygen consumption was found in the Kuchurgan River

Some of the holes on the pipe were previously closed with wooden chops

Spawning of fish, including those listed in the Red Book, takes place in Luzhanka

This can lead to an increase in the salinity of the water in the Sea of Azov

The park will help adapt to climate change, reduce the effects of seasonal flooding, and combat congestion

The winner of the tender was suspected of overstating the prices in the work estimate

In April 2021, "Brovaryteplovodoenergia" compensated 684 thousand hryvnias for land pollution

Since March 2023, volunteers have collected more than 15 tons of garbage