Renewable energy — latest ecology news

Wind power plants generated 3.56% of all energy

The plant produces transparent glass products: bottles, vials, cans

A hybrid installation is more expensive, but more reliable — with higher energy efficiency

The share of RES in global electricity production will reach 33% in 2024

Draft Law No. 9011-d will introduce a system of issuing guarantees of the origin of green energy, which will be an incentive for boosting exports

DTEK is looking for investors for the construction of the second phase of Tyligul wind farm

The price of green energy will roughly halve to $20 per MWh by 2030

In 2021, renewable hydropower production declined in most regions

The vote for the reform in the European Parliament should take place in September

The bill also provides for the introduction of a self-production mechanism

Global energy-related emissions hit new high of 39.3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent

Achieving the bloc's climate ambitions will lead to high costs for the adaptation of factories, in particular for ammonia production