Paris climate deal — latest ecology news

The conference had to be extended in order to adopt the final resolution

According to the schedule, ministers have until Friday, November 22, to find a compromise

Participation in it will help attract investors to the green recovery and reconstruction of our country

It was a key step towards allowing countries to trade emissions allowances to meet their climate goals

A number of radical changes are expected compared to the policies of the Joseph Biden administration

Global temperatures are rising, and the devastating effects of this are being seen across Europe

During his previous tenure, he received constant criticism from environmental activists accusing him of deepening the climate crisis.

Who occupies the White House will determine the role of the United States as the biggest polluter of the environment at this crucial time for the climate crisis

The organization called on the governments of the countries to step up efforts in the fight against global warming or start planning the funeral of the Paris Agreement

The war in Ukraine, in addition to human losses and destruction, has a significant impact on the environment and climate change

They proposed alternative options for organizing international negotiations

The biggest climate event of the year will gather up to 100,000 delegates from 190 countries