Nationally determined contributions 2 — latest ecology news

NDC to the Paris Agreement: what are Ukraine's climate goals?
NDC to the Paris Agreement: what are Ukraine's climate goals?

In Ukraine, for almost six months, nothing is known about the renewal of the Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement

Ukraine develops plan for updated Nationally Determined Contribution
Ukraine develops plan for updated Nationally Determined Contribution

Ukraine should contribute to the global fight against climate change

Ukraine's Lugansk green recovery plan will require revision – an expert
Ukraine's Lugansk green recovery plan will require revision – an expert

Today's realities dictate other priorities

Russian aggression in Ukraine accelerates climate change – Ministry of Environment
Russian aggression in Ukraine accelerates climate change – Ministry of Environment

Because of the war, Ukrainian society pays less attention to the issue of climate change

Experts named the difficulties and prospects of "green" reconstruction of Ukraine after the war
Experts named the difficulties and prospects of "green" reconstruction of Ukraine after the war

Without large-scale external financing programs, Ukraine will not be able to meet the challenges of the "green" transition

Stavchuk spoke about environmental achievements during his work at the Ministry
Stavchuk spoke about environmental achievements during his work at the Ministry

Developments should be transformed into principles and action plans for the green recovery of Ukraine

Ukraine is over-fulfilling NDC2. Are there any reasons for optimism — said the expert of the Razumkov Center Volodymyr Omelchenko
Ukraine is over-fulfilling NDC2. Are there any reasons for optimism — said the expert of the Razumkov Center Volodymyr Omelchenko

Russia's military aggression kills green energy in Ukraine and "decarbonizes" economy due to GDP decline