Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine — latest ecology news

The actions of Russian troops pose a threat to the security of the entire European continent

All forest users will use rules with uniform requirements for the protection and conservation of forests to preserve them in a climate crisis

The law "On Central Authorities" provides that when a minister is dismissed, his deputies are also dismissed from their posts by the Cabinet of Ministers

Roman Shakhmatenko plans to continue working on environmental reforms

Developments should be transformed into principles and action plans for the green recovery of Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers is required to have an open personnel policy in the field of environmental protection

Kryvoruchkina will demand from the Minister a report to the committee on the effectiveness of the simultaneous replacement of such a large number of government officials

Personnel rotations took place in the Ministry of Environment

The government has made a number of reshuffles

The Danube connects more countries than any other European river

The algorithm for receiving the service will now be as convenient as possible

Environmental inspectorates need to change approaches and revise control methodology, Strilets is sure