Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine — latest ecology news

The new draft law "On the management of nature protected areas" takes into account some of the proposals received

Ukraine is already implementing environmental restoration projects

Ukraine is already taking steps to attract the necessary investments

PAEU draws attention to the inadmissibility of regulation of the permit procedure

Today's realities dictate other priorities

5 certificates in "EkoSystem" are provided without the participation of officials

The reform is part of Ukraine's European integration obligations

The reform of industrial pollution will effectively be a "green" recovery after the war

Grinchuk was appointed to the position in July 2022

Subsequently, the implementation of these documents will be discussed with representatives of the public and business

Despite the war, Ukraine, together with the GEF, continues not only to implement environmental projects, but also to expand their capabilities

On the EcoSystem platform, it is impossible to make technical errors when filling out applications