Lviv region — latest ecology news

Lviv region did not let a protected swamp be turned into a garage cooperative
Lviv region did not let a protected swamp be turned into a garage cooperative

The cooperatives wanted to stop the process of returning the reserve lands

More than 1.5 million old lamps were exchanged and disposed of in the Lviv Region
More than 1.5 million old lamps were exchanged and disposed of in the Lviv Region

From June 9, educational institutions and hospitals can exchange lamps

A third of the waste processing plant was built in Lviv
A third of the waste processing plant was built in Lviv

The management of the plant will undergo training in Poland to learn all the processes of the complex

The state of river pollution was checked in the Lviv region
The state of river pollution was checked in the Lviv region

Water quality has deteriorated in four rivers

Lviv region to convert coal mines into an industrial park and SPP
Lviv region to convert coal mines into an industrial park and SPP

The community also plans to build wind farms and a waste processing plant

The management of Forests of Ukraine in Lviv region mined cryptocurrency in the office for months
The management of Forests of Ukraine in Lviv region mined cryptocurrency in the office for months

Large-scale power outages occurred in the area due to systematic overloading of the network

Ukrainian Railways paid for the destruction of 230 trees in the Lviv region
Ukrainian Railways paid for the destruction of 230 trees in the Lviv region

The person who committed the offense was never identified

The level of river pollution was checked in the Lviv region
The level of river pollution was checked in the Lviv region

Monitoring of the quality of surface water in the Lviv region is carried out every month

Lviv region to build a waste processing plant in the reserve
Lviv region to build a waste processing plant in the reserve

Such activities are not allowed on the territory of the regional landscape park

The court forced the locomotive repair plant to pay a large sum for the pollution of Lviv
The court forced the locomotive repair plant to pay a large sum for the pollution of Lviv

The collected money will be used for the implementation of environmental programs in the region

Naftogaz refused to build the first bio-thermal power plant in Lviv
Naftogaz refused to build the first bio-thermal power plant in Lviv

The CHP should provide about a quarter of the city's heat needs