Legislation — latest ecology news

Its adoption is provided for in the Ukraine Facility Plan

In the first reading, the document was supported by 273 People's Deputies

The day before, environmentalists again called on the public to appeal to elected officials with the demand not to support this document

According to specialists, the restructuring of the waste management sector is "sliding", and businesses can become the most extreme in this situation

They turned to the government, the State Regulatory Service and the Office of the President with a proposal to resolve the problem

Comments and proposals for innovations are accepted within a month

Experts drew the attention of the authorities to this and called for the elimination of deficiencies in the existing legislation

In most cases, they are related to changes in legislation

We are talking about the energy of the sun, wind, biogas, as well as micro- and small hydropower plants

This applies to both the temporal and economic components of eco-modernization

Stakeholders wondered if this meant that businesses would then restructure themselves as if by magic.