Kyiv region — latest ecology news

Back in 2018, OLX stated that the sale of Red Book animals on the platform is strictly prohibited

The perpetrators sold 1,800 tons of covering mixture made from peat

It is necessary to bring clean and dry raw materials to the sorting points

The size of the fine for burning grass ranges from 3,060 to 6,120 hryvnias

Violators are suspected of destroying 20 m3 of wood in another part of the forest

An online map of the radiation background is functioning in Ukraine

If necessary, the buildings will be able to provide the community with energy and heat

The owner of the plant returned to Ukraine to rebuild the enterprise

BioTES is planned to be launched before the heating season of 2024-2025

Eco-inspectors took water samples for laboratory research

The implementation of the draft law will require 69.95 million UAH of funding from the state budget

Such processing significantly reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills