Khmelnytsky region — latest ecology news

This week law enforcement officers reported cases of corrupt officials, poachers and "black loggers"

They should be up and running as early as next year

This week, as usual, there were several illegal logging operations and two cases of illegal mineral water extraction

The mobile point will work from Wednesday to Sunday

Most of them are illegal felling, some involved officials of SE “Forests of Ukraine”

This week there are many corrupt officials, as well as a foreign company with which 65 million UAH of damage was recovered

Several cases have already reached the court

In particular, the offenders were sentenced for poaching, and the prosecutors referred two cases to the court against the employees of the State Enterprise "Lisa Ukrainy"

They carried out the demolition of trees using falsified documents

Among the perpetrators was a law enforcement officer who was covering up the illegal harvesting and sale of wood

This is currently the only similar experience for the energy industry of Ukraine

The plan for spring provided for 4.8 million seedlings