European Green Deal — latest ecology news
GoLocal together with partners strive to create and support an ecosystem of startups and innovative solutions in the field of decarbonization in Ukraine
The new OVD procedure for renewable energy will be simplified and will be implemented immediately for all projects from the country
The EU is to install about 60 GW of solar power plants in 2023
The new emissions trading scheme will be introduced in 2027-2028
Nature-based climate solutions are one way to achieve net zero
CBAM aims to avoid catastrophic climate change
On the islands, alternating current will turn into direct current, which will allow it to be transmitted over much longer distances.
Renewable energy sources will account for more than 90% of global electricity growth
The countries that were the first to introduce a tax on CO2 emissions have the largest shares of RES
The company plans to become climate neutral by 2045
The Parliament plans to invest about $8 billion in energy efficiency
Importers must be ready to comply with CBAM requirements from 2023