Emissions — latest ecology news

It will absorb 36,000 tons of CO2 from the air annually

Methane emissions for the first quarter of 2022 exceeded emissions in the fourth quarter of 2019 before the pandemic

Tires contain a wide range of toxic compounds, including carcinogens, which enter not only the air but also water and soil.

CBAM can stimulate the development of lower carbon products in the domestic market

The law is part of a package of EU climate bills

In the next two or three days, the weather will not contribute to the dispersion of harmful impurities in the atmosphere

They require a facilitating regulatory framework in several areas

Many new wastes – waste destruction, burned and destroyed military equipment

PETR will help Ukraine meet its international obligations

In Kyiv, air monitoring is provided by 5 main stations and more than 40 indicative points

317 people's deputies voted for this

About 95% of methane emissions from cattle are released through belching through the nose