Climate change — latest ecology news

Currently, solar geoengineering technology is effectively banned

Conflicts can be avoided if the draft law defines both long-term and medium-term goals

The Czech government said that some of the organizers of the demonstration have pro-Russian views or other political goals

AMOC collapse may occur around 2050

Comments and suggestions can be sent until March 14

Comments and suggestions can be sent until March 5

According to climatologists, cooling the planet is an urgent need, as humanity has significantly disrupted the Earth's energy balance

The only way to stop global temperature rise is to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Such a goal requires almost complete decarbonization of industry in 16 years

Comments and suggestions can be sent until February 26

New investments will help meet the water needs of 3.3 million people by 2030

Atmospheric CO2 levels now stand at 422 parts per million, a third higher than the first reading in 1958