Carbon — latest ecology news

Carbon import adjustment mechanism: a brief analysis of CBAM
Carbon import adjustment mechanism: a brief analysis of CBAM

The coming weeks will show what compromise the parties will reach on the CBAM issue

Global decarbonization will require a rethinking of incentives – economists
Global decarbonization will require a rethinking of incentives – economists

Carbon trading is only one part of global decarbonisation

Bitcoin is as damaging to the climate as beef
Bitcoin is as damaging to the climate as beef

The cost of the total climate damage caused by all bitcoins from 2016 to 2021 could reach $12 billion

Spain moved away from decarbonization and became Europe's top polluter – study
Spain moved away from decarbonization and became Europe's top polluter – study

Spain must reduce emissions by 55% by 2030

Climate change will become even more devastating without much more ambitious action – UN
Climate change will become even more devastating without much more ambitious action – UN

Extreme weather events are not natural and represent the price humanity pays for dependence on fossil fuels

Artists joined the fight against greenwashing in aviation
Artists joined the fight against greenwashing in aviation

The biggest benefit for the environment will be a reduction in the number of flights

Ukraine has registered 2 draft laws to exempt biofuel consumers from part of the taxes
Ukraine has registered 2 draft laws to exempt biofuel consumers from part of the taxes

The bills will create favorable conditions for replacing gas consumption

Denmark won't achieve climate targets in 2025 because of incinerator
Denmark won't achieve climate targets in 2025 because of incinerator

Denmark remains a leader in decarbonisation

The energy crisis will cause an increase in prices for carbon emissions in the EU – analysts
The energy crisis will cause an increase in prices for carbon emissions in the EU – analysts

A decline in industrial production in Europe could reduce demand for permits

The first biofuel plant with negative emissions is created in the EU. Photo
The first biofuel plant with negative emissions is created in the EU. Photo

The plant will be able to process approximately 1,200 tons of wet mass of algae per year

A low emissions prices do not help fight climate change in Asia - Bloomberg
A low emissions prices do not help fight climate change in Asia - Bloomberg

China's carbon prices peak at around $9 per ton in early 2022