Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine — latest ecology news

Prior to his appointment, he was an adviser to the Minister of Ecology

The National Park protects the unique natural complex of the Gorgany mountain range

Personnel rotation in the agency was carried out at the end of last week

Currently, the government prohibits obtaining the opinion of the Department of Internal Affairs

For six years he headed the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Lviv Regional State Administration

The Cabinet of Ministers canceled obsolete administrative tools for energy saving

The law "On Central Authorities" provides that when a minister is dismissed, his deputies are also dismissed from their posts by the Cabinet of Ministers

The Cabinet of Ministers is required to have an open personnel policy in the field of environmental protection

Personnel rotations took place in the Ministry of Environment

The government has made a number of reshuffles

The algorithm for receiving the service will now be as convenient as possible

Government of Ukraine provided for three stages of recovery after the war