Air — latest ecology news

The Czech Republic will deduct part of the funds received from visiting its national natural parks to support Ukraine

Every year in Poland, 40,000 people die from smog

The lower the CAQI, the better the air quality

The experimental project will last until the end of 2023

The air of Kyiv suffered the most damage

The settlement materials were sent to the Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office

Specialists of the observatory took and analyzed 1,650 samples of atmospheric air

The area of land contamination was 819 m2

Damage caused by Russian attacks is calculated separately for soil, air, and water resources

The existing monitoring system does not provide a complete and objective picture of the state of atmospheric air in the region

Specialists of the observatory collected and analyzed 1,685 samples of atmospheric air

From now on, in real time, Kyiv transmits official and reliable information about air quality to the site, which is followed by the whole world