Reserves of the Mykolaiv region have experienced catastrophic flooding

Reserves of the Mykolaiv region have experienced catastrophic flooding

Katerina Belousova

Live fish fry, amphibian tadpoles, and snails were discovered in the flooded areas of the Novopetrivski plavni landscape reserve

In the Mykolayiv region, about 2,530 hectares of nature-reserved areas, as well as about 2,000 hectares of forests, were flooded due to the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP.

The most negative impact was the occupied Kinburn Peninsula, where a fire broke out during flooding, the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration reports on Facebook.

It is noted that the information about the flooding was passed on to the administration of the reserves. In addition, experts analyzed satellite images. The flooding reached:

  • 1,900 hectares – National Natural Park "Biloberezhya Svyatoslav";
  • 130 hectares – Black Sea Biosphere Reserve (Volyzhyn Forest);
  • 500 hectares – regional landscape park "Kinburn spit".

The report emphasized that 2,000 hectares of forests and the coastal parts of two villages with most of the surrounding areas, including the pond farm, were flooded on the territory of the Kinburn Peninsula.

It is noted that a fire broke out on the Kinburn Peninsula at the same time as the flooding on June 6. Due to the occupation and the loss of land connections with the mainland, local residents had to put out the fire on their own. As a result, 1,100 hectares were damaged in Kinburn Forestry, and 800 hectares in Vasylivsky Forestry.

The press service said that a part of the botanical reserve "Ivano-Kepine" in the Bashtan district was flooded. Due to the increase in the water level in the Ingulets River, the following occurred:

  • wetting of vegetation;
  • leaching of the root system;
  • deposition of washed materials;
  • siltation of certain areas with organic remains;
  • destruction and change of configuration of crystalline outcrops, in particular with burrows of birds and insects;
  • garbage transfer;
  • pollution by organic substances;
  • damage to the population of the red-listed plant Zinovate granite.

The message added that the special commission examined other territories of the nature reserve fund, namely:

  • landscape reserve "Novopetrivski plavni";
  • landscape reserve "Sandy Peninsula";
  • park-monument park art "Victory Park".

It is noted that the water level in all nature-reserved territories has dropped, almost to natural. According to local residents, the water level in the reservoirs rose on June 7 and lasted for 3 days.

The report emphasized that the wetland vegetation of the Pischany Peninsula and the Novopetrivsky Plain slowed down and retained the water. Such vegetation is adapted to fluctuations in water levels and acts as a kind of natural filter, therefore no significant negative impact was detected. The dry part of the "Sandy Peninsula" landscape reserve, which is represented by a peninsula, was not flooded.

The press service added that live fish fry, amphibian tadpoles, and snails were found in the flooded areas of Novopetrivskyi plavniy, where the water has not yet receded. Eggshells of wild birds were also found.

It is noted that the water level has decreased in Victory Park, the destruction of trees and shrubs has not been recorded.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that due to the undermining of the Kakhovskaya HPP, the national nature parks "Veliky Lug" and "Kamyanska Sich" in Zaporozhye gradually turn into a desert. In addition, wetlands were completely washed away Big and Small Kuchugura Archipelago and "Seven Beacons Floodplain", which have the status of international importance and are included in the list of Ramsar sites.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, due to the undermining of the Kakhovskaya HPP dam in the Kherson region flooded the national nature park "Nizhnyodniprovskyi". On this territory there are lands of the Emerald network and Ramsar sites.

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