The agenda of the meeting of the EcoCommittee of the Verkhovna Rada for February 15 Радіо Свобода

The agenda of the meeting of the EcoCommittee of the Verkhovna Rada for February 15

Katerina Belousova

People's deputies will consider draft law No. 7327 "On state monitoring of the environment"

On Wednesday, February 15, a meeting of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Environmental Policy and Nature Management will be held via video conference at 12:00 p.m.

EcoPolitic prepared for its readers the committee's agenda.

The People's Deputies will consider draft laws regarding which the Eco Committee is designated as the main one, namely:

  • bill №7327 "On the state system of monitoring the environment, information on the state of the environment (ecological information) and information support for management in the field of the environment" – second reading;
  • a letter from People's Deputy Yulia Ovchinnikova regarding the comments and proposals of the Ministry of Health to draft law №7438 "On the Use and Circulation of Pyrotechnic Products" prepared for the second reading.

In addition, people's deputies will consider a letter from People's Deputy Eduard Proshchuk regarding the hearing of the head of the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine, Yury Blokhovets.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the European business associations criticized draft law №7327 "On the state system of environmental monitoring" for allegedly shifting the responsibilities of state environmental monitoring to business.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the Verkhovna Rada's Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management recommended that the Parliament adopt in the first reading the consolidated draft law No. 6004-d "On ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens to an environment safe for life and health" regarding industrial pollution.

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The Ecocommittee supported the National Program for Radioactive Waste Management
The Ecocommittee supported the National Program for Radioactive Waste Management

Among other things, it involves conducting state inventory of this type of waste