What not to do with the battery to prevent it from exploding facebook.com/DSNSKyiv/

What not to do with the battery to prevent it from exploding

Anna Velyka

We remind you of the main precautions for use

The demand for energy storage devices in Ukraine has increased rapidly due to regular power outages. Accordingly, there are more cases when batteries explode right in the house due to violation of the operating rules.

Therefore, EcoPolitic has collected for its readers the main reasons that can lead to an accident and the rules for using batteries.

What definitely should not be done:

  1. Charge the lithium battery at an accelerated rate, as this may cause an explosion. Such a battery should be discharged and charged in a standard, slow mode.
  2. Artificially warm the device or leave it in the cold. An acid battery reacts especially "explosively" to temperature changes.
  3. Allow the battery to fall. This can lead both to the shorting of the cathode and the anode, as well as to the breaking of the plates and a short circuit, which in turn will cause an explosion.
  4. Disassemble the non-working battery case yourself. Contact with the tools you work with can cause a short circuit.
  5. Connect the device to the wiring. Manufacturers regularly warn that batteries are not intended for such purposes.
  6. Use a car battery at home. Oxygen and hydrogen can accumulate in it. These gases form an explosive mixture, and an explosion can occur from a single spark.

5 simple rules to follow

  1. Buy only certified battery models and chargers for them.
  2. Read the user manual ENTIRELY before use.
  3. Install the battery in a well-ventilated area.
  4. Protect the device from temperature changes.
  5. Periodically check that the battery does not heat up.
  6. Never leave both the device on and the device being charged unattended.

Previously, EcoPolitic talked about 12 simple ways to save laptop battery power.

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