Volunteers will turn untied scarves and grandmother's yarn into warm things for the Armed Forces shutterstock

Volunteers will turn untied scarves and grandmother's yarn into warm things for the Armed Forces

Katerina Belousova

Any yarn can be given to volunteers

Ukrainians were urged to hand over unnecessary yarn to volunteers, who will turn it into warm balaclavas, hats, scarves, buffs or socks for soldiers at the front.

The "Zigrii" movement has already united more than 2,000 volunteer craftspeople throughout Ukraine, who knitted 15,361 warm things in 3 months, the public association reports "Ukraine without garbage" on Telegram.

Eco-activists emphasized that those who wish can also participate in knitting things on website of initiative.

It is noted that any yarn can be given to volunteers. It can be given to eco-consultants at the UBS station (Kyiv city, Saperno-Slobidska St., 25/4), or sent together with other raw materials for processing through the services "Dosortuvaniya", "Plastik Poshtoyu", "UBS Courier" and "UBS Uklon".

"Now your old threads and untied scarves will receive an extraordinary mission," ecoactivists emphasized.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the residents of Lutsk were called give for reuse unnecessary clothes, children's toys, shoes, etc. Such things in good condition will be given by volunteers to people who need them, and the rest will become raw materials for bags, pillows and other crafts.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, there are eco-activists in Lubotyn, Kharkiv region reuse cabinets will be opened, where people can leave unnecessary things and pick up something for their needs.

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