Vinnytsia residents were urged to help green the city with the eco-application Shutterstock

Vinnytsia residents were urged to help green the city with the eco-application

Katerina Belousova

Trees clean the air we breathe and filter the water we drink

In Vinnytsia, through the Ecomobile application, citizens can collect pluses in karma from handing in sorted garbage, with the money from which the organizers will green the city.

Currently, programs for planting trees and reducing deforestation are priorities for many states, Eco-Service reports on Facebook.

The application is available in the App Store and Play market.

Forests provide jobs for more than 1.6 billion people, absorb harmful carbon from the atmosphere and are key ingredients in 25% of all medicines. Even aspirin comes from tree bark.

"Trees clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide an environment for more than 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity," the article noted.

The main reasons that confirm the importance of trees are:

  • cleaning the air;
  • reducing the temperature in cities by tens of degrees;
  • these are natural pumps that save from floods;
  • trees keep soils fertile;
  • they support psychological health, because a walk in the forest for several hours reduces the level of stress and activates the body's immune system.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in Vinnytsia, eco-activists launched mobile application Ecomobile, which will help to reduce the amount of waste in landfills and green the city.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the absence of glass recycling is significant increases the cost of glass products due to the consumption of raw materials for their production and leads to the clogging of landfills with a huge amount of broken glass.

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TOP-10 real Ukrainian eco-activists in 2024

We will tell you about 10 active defenders of the Ukrainian environment, who are actively engaged in various areas of environmental protection 

Eco-activists collect recyclables to help orphanages
Eco-activists collect recyclables to help orphanages

Offices, schools and kindergartens, hospitals, catering establishments, condominiums and all eco-conscious citizens can join

In Sumy, volunteers collected more than half a ton of garbage
In Sumy, volunteers collected more than half a ton of garbage

The eco-action has already become traditional

5 tons of garbage and debris of the shahed
5 tons of garbage and debris of the shahed

Non-governmental organizations also joined the organization of the event