A platform was launched to solve big and small eco-problems shutterstock

A platform was launched to solve big and small eco-problems

Katerina Belousova

The platform covers solutions for the "green" post-war recovery of Ukraine

In Ukraine, the online platform "Encyclopedia EcoSolutions" was launched, which will help to understand complex and simple issues related to the environment.

A variety of eco-solutions have been collected on it, in particular regarding garbage sorting, tree planting, restoration of lakes, reclamation of landfills, etc., Ekoltava reports.

It is noted that the "Encyclopedia" was created by the Ukrainian media "Rubrika". Thanks to this online tool, it will be possible to participate in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

The authors said that the platform covers solutions for the green post-war recovery of Ukraine.

"Ekoltava will also provide its offers to the chatbot. In particular, what concerns sustainable food, waste management, climate policy, adaptation of cities to climate change. Because all these topics are important for the "green" restoration of Ukraine and the further sustainable development of our communities," said the executive director of "Ekoltava" Yulia Melnyk.

You can view the recording of the presentation at the link.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the Poltava eco-activists called on communal ATP No. 1628 to create conditions for composting organic waste in order to avoid a repeat of the tragedy at the Hrybovitsky landfill.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Ruslan Grechanyk said that the National Plan for the Recovery of Ukraine in the field of eco-security should be cross-sectoral and contain the principles of the European green course.

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