Ukraine will hold a round table on the implementation of ETS shutterstock

Ukraine will hold a round table on the implementation of ETS

Katerina Belousova

At the event, the results of the study "The concept of building a system for trading emissions quotas in Ukraine. The path to sustainable development, a step towards the EU" will be presented.

On Tuesday, September 12, the Zoom platform will host the first of a series of discussions "European experience for the implementation of ETS in Ukraine", dedicated to the future design of the trading market for carbon emissions quotas in Ukraine in the process of European integration.

The event will be held in the format of a round table, reports the organizer of the discussion European Business Association.

As a candidate for EU membership, Ukraine is obliged to create a quota trading market. In addition, the strengthening of social and environmental requirements for member countries and trading partners requires Ukraine to take actions regarding:

  • fulfillment of climate goals;
  • launch of the market carbon pricing mechanism;
  • development of financing tools for emission reduction projects;
  • preventing carbon leakage.

The participants of the event will discuss ways to launch ETS, barriers and necessary resources. During the discussion, the results of the study "The concept of building a system of trading emission quotas in Ukraine. The path to sustainable development, a step towards the EU" will be presented.

Speakers of the event:

  • Maryna Denysiuk – senior project manager of the Office of Reforms of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
  • Volodymyr Buzhan – Head of Energy and Climate at the Center for Economic Recovery;
  • Pavlo Masyukov – deputy director of the project "Support for the implementation of the trading scheme for greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in Ukraine", GIZ;
  • Maxim Fedoseyenko – head of strategic projects at KSE Institute;
  • Natalia Kushko – senior employee, ERCST;
  • Stanislav Zinchenko – СEO of GMK Center, chairman of the Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Development Committee of the European Business Association;
  • Andriy Glushchenko – GMK Center analyst;
  • Olga Boyko – coordinator of the industrial ecology and sustainable development committee of the European Business Association.

The meeting will take place on September 12 at 10:00 Kyiv time. To participate, pre-registration is required at the link.

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